Evangelical Friends

Waymaker Friends Church is a part of a larger network family of Friends churches.  Together, we all compose our Yearly Meeting, Friends Southwest (FSW).  Some people might find it helpful to understand a Yearly Meeting as a "Denomination".  As a part of a larger network family of churches, GGFC is able to multiply our ministry efforts for God's Kingdom in our local communities and across the globe.  We believe that we are better together, and that through sharing resources and working collectively we can expand our reach for Christ.  Through EFCSW we also support and empower Friends missionaries to go abroad and continue our calling of making disciples in Jesus' name.

The origins of the Friends Movement are in the Quaker tradition of Christianity.  The founder of the Friends, George Fox, began his ministry in 1647 in England preaching and teaching that all people had available to them a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior and Teacher.  His ministry established the Religious Society of Friends, or as they came to be known, Quakers.  Today, Evangelical Friends, such as GGFC, cherish the heritage of our tradition while embracing our culture with the same message that George Fox preached: that all people may have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior, and Teacher.