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Frequently Asked Questions
Alpha isn't for Christians, Right?
The topics are both basic and accessible AND deep and nuanced. The films provide rich discussion for both Christians and people far from Jesus. Using the Alpha curriculum across our small groups helps our community become aware of what people who are skeptical think. It helps us identify where we may be living in a Christian bubble and how we can start seeing more like Jesus, who had eyes of compassion for those who were lost. Alpha teaches us tools of hospitality, listening, and dependence which are ways of showing up that we can then apply wherever we are: work, a family gathering at Christmas, in the cafeteria at lunch. Anywhere.
What Do I Do If My Group Needs to Miss a Session?
We know that this is going to be a landmark experience for our church and we ask that you make every effort to do Alpha for eight weeks in a row. However, if it’s impossible to meet weekly here are a few ways you can still do Alpha in a creative way:
- Meet on Zoom the weeks you usually don’t meet (the films are Vimeo links and easy to view online).
- The week you don’t meet, have group members watch the topic on their own and then come back the following week and share what they learned.
- Keep your normal schedule but which topics to cover rather than all 8. We recommend these sessions;
- Week 3: Why Did Jesus Die?
- Week 6: Why and How Should I Read the Bible
- Week 7: Who is the Holy Spirit?
- Week 8: How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?
- Week 9: How Does God Guide Us?
Have More Questions?
Email jared@waymakerfriends.church with any additional questions.
Additional Resources